Nancy's Weight Loss Story

Nancy’s Weight Loss Story

There is no doubt that losing weight is tough for most people.   The desire to lose weight can be so strong amongst some people that they will try almost anything to succeed.   In the business world, this is seen as an opportunity. It’s a mass-market (pardon the pun) and a vulnerable one.   No wonder there are a gazillion companies out there trying to sell their solutions and each of them making the same claims – what they sell works the best and you will lose weight if you use their product.  How does one decide?  Who are we to believe?

This story is not about which company or product is best for weight loss. This story is not about the best weight loss solution. This story is one person’s perspective about two attempts at losing weight with two totally different companies.  This person is my mother. I hope her words inspire you to think outside the box, literally.

After reading her short story, and reflecting, please feel free to post your comments below. We’d love to hear what you have to say too. Can you relate? Do you have a different experience? If you have a story you want to share, feel free to email it to me and I will gladly publish yours too.

A Weight Loss Story – written by Nancy Slauenwhite (my mom)

“You know there are a million diet plans out there.  Two that I have tried are Weight Watchers and Nutri-System. Let me share some of my experiences with them.

My Experience on Weight Watchers

I was in my twenties when I joined Weight Watchers in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.  I needed to lose 40lbs, they said. At first, I stuck close to the diet they gave me.  I cannot remember the exact rules of the diet at that time but in six weeks I had lost 25lbs!

Everything had to be weighed or measured and there was a lot of “can’t haves”.  I ate a lot of salad. But it seems to me that the quantity of food was very limited and I was always feeling hungry. So I actually felt like I was starving.

When I lost the 25 lbs, I was so elated. I felt invincible, and so I quit. And then I yo-yoed!  I didn’t even know when I put the weight back on.  I just woke up one morning fat again!  OMG, I was so embarrassed, annoyed, depressed, and completely disgusted with myself. The thought of starving again on the Weight Watchers diet was the last thing I was going to do. So I ate.

My Experience on Nutrisystem

About a decade later and considerable more pounds too, Nutrisystem came to Bridgewater.  I had heard about the remarkable changes it was making in people’s lives.  I needed to be part of that action.  So off I went to join.

Holy cow it was expensive!  Thank God for credit cards.  So I stuck to the plan and never once did I deviate and in three months and $1000.00 later I was almost to my goal. 

It was a lazy person’s answer to a diet.  No measuring or weighing food.  Everything came prepackaged.

Nutrisystem food was enough to gag you. It was made of freeze-dried unknown substances but if you ate it really fast it wasn’t so bad.

In no time I had dropped 50 lbs. It was simple! I looked great and felt great but I ran out of credit cards.  Lord knows how in debt I would have been if I kept that up for much longer. So now I was back to eating normal food which tasted sooooo good!!!

No More Dieting

That was the last time I paid anyone to help me diet because I put the weight on again, and then some.

Funny from that time till now, which is about 25 years later, I no longer “diet” and I haven’t gained any more weight. Maybe I am on to something?

Anyway, that’s my story. Thanks for reading.”

It takes guts to share a story like that. My mother is so honest and real. While she lost weight on two different programs, she quickly gained it back when she stopped.

Her story sends a message that weight loss needs to be more of a sustainable lifestyle change and less of a temporary diet system that is pure torture to be on. These diets don’t work because they are not sustainable. So it’s a waste of time and money. You need to find what is sustainable for you and anything else that can help you stay motivated to stick to it. Think long-term. If you don’t enjoy it, how will you be able to sustain it?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against supplements but I am against lies. There are some natural supplements out there that may help you lose weight but you have to discuss this stuff with your doctor first. 

My mother admits she didn’t gain any more weight after she rebounded from her final experience with a weight loss company. What does that tell us?

Again, feel free to post comments below. We’d love to hear what you think.

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  1. Hi Nancy, I feel like you are telling my story as well. I too joined Weight Watchers and yes I felt hungry all the time as well. As you mentioned in the blog everything had to be weighed, I don’t think there was any bread in the diet at that time. I too had lost 25 or 30 lbs….quit and ended gaining the weight all back. This started in 1986 and through the years I had joined many weight loss programs. Then in the 2000’s I joined another weight loss program that also cost a fortune. Luckily I came to my senses and cancelled the outrageous cost of this program that I can’t even remember.
    I have learned so much from your lovely daughter over the last few years about good food choices and good food in general. I still struggle daily with my weight. But for me< just moving and staying active gives me a positive outlook on life. Being involved in Tammy's classes 3 times or more a week gives me a good feeling and after every class I feel good about myself and I know the weight will eventually start to disappear with good food choices and continued exercise. I know it's hard work but making the commitment is the first step. Baby steps for me and gaining knowledge from the ol Tampster.

    1. I am so glad you get inspired by Tammy. She sure has the power to persuade. I don’t go to the classes…YET…. but she advises me on things to do. If anyone can help you succeed it is definitely her! Keep up the good work!