Project S.E.L.F. is a women’s wellness educational program
Transform your mindset and approach to your fitness and wellness routines in this 90-day transformation program that guides you every single step of the way.
This program fills a void currently existing in the fitness and wellness industry. It teaches women the fundamental knowledge and skills they need to set themselves up for success as they work towards whatever fitness or wellness goal they set for themselves, no matter where they are in life.
Whether you want to strength train, learn to run, lose weight, focus more on a healthy relationship with food or on building sustainable habits, this program teaches you the tools to do what you want!
Each week, participants will need to complete their weekly workbooks. This requires about 5 to 10 minutes of daily work as it’s better done in small chunks with deep thought.
The program is 12 weeks in duration but participants are encouraged to spend at least 5 minutes a day working on themselves.
The workbooks and guided video tutorials provide focus and direction and so women who make a full commitment will transform their lives within 90 days.
Read the reviews from past participants in the live coaching version of this course as they share their experiences here.
This course is now available to be purchased by anyone. It is a self-coaching program with lifetime access as long as you keep an active account (read my Sunset Policy). This allows you to redo sections of the program as needed when things change in your life.
Questions? Email me.
This program provides a weekly workbook and video tutorial to guide participants successfully through the process.
Program Content
Project S.E.L.F.