LipSmackers – Recipes & Meal Plans

Access over 400 recipes and 26 meal plans to help you eat healthier and lose weight.

Over 400 recipes & 26 meal plans!

LipSmackers is a collection of recipes and meal plans that help my members eat healthier for life or weight loss without sacrificing the taste. No special culinary skills are required! The recipes are quick, simple, fun and incredibly delicious!

The meal plans are based on whole foods and explore different ways of eating. However, the collection is free of fad diets or restrictive protocols that lead to weight regain and poor relationships with food.

At the end of the day, we want to eat yummy food and also feel good about our bodies. This collection is designed to help members accomplish both of those goals.

🔥 Recipe ebooks contain 15 lip-smacking recipes and a 7-day meal plan.

🔥 In each ebook is a fitness or wellness challenge or activity to spice things up.

Check out some LipSmackers recipes posted on my blog and YouTube channel here and here.

Members Only Access

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Members Only

Program Includes

  • 4 Sections
  • 32 Topics
