What My Readers Say
honest & genuine reviews
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This is a book that gives an honest account of what it’s like to live with misophonia. I can truly relate to the writer of Trapped in Sound. It was like she was inside my head, writing how I was feeling living a life with this disorder. Please get this book if you suffer with misophonia or have a loved one who has it. A really great read and one that validated what I am feeling and know I’m not alone.
I enjoyed this book very much. I have suffered from this debilitating condition since childhood, and was in my 30’s when I found out it had a name, and that I am not alone. Thank you for sharing. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a reaction of rage or disgust to certain sounds. Misophonia is real, and it is horrible to live with.
Oh. My. Goodness. I received my copy of this book today and have not put it down. Finally, I have something that I can share with others to explain how I really feel. It’s like the author, Tammy Lee, took the thoughts in my head (even the bad words/thoughts) and wrote an amazing book with them. Best decision I made was buying this book. If anyone has kids who might be suffering with this and feel confused, this book is a great place to start for them. Thank you, Tammy, for sharing your story!
This book was an eye opener. I know the author personally and was present at times. I wish I had known then, what I know now. This book explains a lot of what many of us did not get then. I cried every time Tammy wrote about her mother. I cried happy tears at the end. I have always been hyper aware of certain sound and some irritate me like dogs whining or teeth sucking and worst for me is eating sounds . Nothing like this. Although I do not have this condition, I am a recovered addict and there are many parallels. How I live my life and such. I completely agree, fitness saved me. For me it was Martial Arts…. But yes it saved me and continues to save me.. Thanks Tammy for having the courage to talk about a very painful and personal struggle. You inspire me I will finish writing my book now.
I think this is the first book-length memoir describing what it is like to live with misophonia. As a sufferer myself, I relate to almost everything the author says. Misophonia is a condition that was named only recently. Until that time, we sufferers thought something was wrong with us to be so enraged by sounds that others take in stride. Though a bit disjointed and repetitive, the conversational style of the book makes it feel like the author is talking to you over coffee (hopefully without slurping!). Her book conveys our struggles in a format that I think non-sufferers will understand. Even more than that, it can help us sufferers feel less alone, and gives us ideas and a positive example for navigating life with this condition.
What an interesting book, Tammy had me “hooked” from the first page I read. I had no idea of any such topic until now and I felt like I was right in the seat beside her, she described her life living with Misophonia so well. She is truly an inspiration to others to speak out and be heard. She’s an awesome gal!
With much bravery and a good deal of vulnerability, the author shares her journey of experiencing life with misophonia and what she discovered about herself, her family, and her world through the lens of this relatively unknown and misunderstood phenomenon.
Tammy’s book is an amazing story of overcoming a life altering challenge. It was hard to put the book down and I read it cover to cover devouring every word. Her insights on her condition will inspire you to challenge yourself in new ways of facing your demons and overcoming your issues. Well done Tammy Lee. Nova Scotia/South Shore Proud!!!
This book had me “trapped” as soon as I started reading. So many “ah ha” moments! While I don’t struggle with the disorder to the extent that the author does, I cried through the book as I completely got it. I also didn’t know there was a name for the rage I find myself in. Kudos to Tammy Lee! Misophonia should be talked about in school health classes at every age group. It would ease a lot of heartache!
This book will be a salvation for many. A must read for sure!! The topic although unknown, will change that. If only I had known this before.
My Life With Misophonia
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Why this book?
My goal is to raise awareness of misophonia through the telling of my story. I want to see this book land on the desks of educators, therapists and doctors and get into the hands of parents. We still have so much to learn about this disorder that was coined as ‘Misophonia’ in 2001 by neurophysiologist Dr. Pawel Jastreboff.
If you want to ask me a question about misophonia or provide additional support for my book, feel free to contact me directly: tammy@gofitlife.ca
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