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Trapped In Sound is a true story about my life with misophonia. Misophonia is a sound sensitivity disorder. I tell my story to raise awareness and a better understanding of misophonia.

Available worldwide on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

Trapped in Sound - My Life With Misophonia - Tammy Lee
Tammy Lee - Author

Tammy Lee

Tammy Lee was born in 1972 and grew up in Riverport, Nova Scotia, a tiny fishing village. She is a proud mom, teacher, fitness and wellness lifestyle coach, and endurance athlete. This is her first book, and she is planning to write another. When she’s not teaching or writing, you can find her outside playing bikes, snowboarding or exploring a new trail. Visit her online at or on Facebook @gofitlifecoach. You can also email her at

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My Life With Misophonia

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Why this book?
My goal is to raise awareness of misophonia through the telling of my story. I want to see this book land on the desks of educators, therapists and doctors and get into the hands of parents. We still have so much to learn about this disorder that was coined as ‘Misophonia’ in 2001 by neurophysiologist Dr. Pawel Jastreboff.

If you want to ask me a question about misophonia or provide additional support for my book, feel free to contact me directly:

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